Forum Details
  • Date 2020.01.14
  • View 77

Hello, our valued customer at SMTOWN &STORE.

Congrats! You have won a ticket for TAEYEON's 4th concert 'The UNSEEN'on Saturday, Jan 18th, 2020.

Please find and read the listing of winners and conditions of entry at SMTOWN &STORE online before the event begins.

- One ticket is given per winner for the concert on Saturday, Jan 18th. Requests to change the concert date are not accepted.

- Only individuals who won the tickets are eligible for entry. Tickets cannot be transferred to a third party.

(You are required to present your ID card and the text message on your mobile to pick up your ticket.)


- Ticket collection may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Please arrive early to receive your ticket before the concert begins.

- Valid identifications for ticket pickup

- Valid identifications stated above must be presented in original form only (no copies or photos).
- Due to the frequent forgery of student IDs, valid identifications for minors are limited to valid passports, youth ID cards, and youth ID application certificates.
- Minors can apply for youth ID cards at any community service center in Korea regardless of residential address, in person or through a legal representative.
  For details, please visit the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family website.
- Replacements will not be issued for lost or damaged tickets even with valid photo ID verification.
 Please store your ticket with caution and keep it away from heat to prevent damage.
- Only individuals who won the tickets are eligible for entry. Tickets cannot be transferred to a third party.
 (You are required to present your ID card and the text message on your mobile to pick up your ticket.)
- Unauthorized photography, videography, sound recording, or live streaming of the event is strictly forbidden and considered an illegal activity that violates the copyrights and publicity rights of the artist or agency. All electronic recording devices except for mobile phones are not allowed within the concert hall.
If you are found using your phone for recording purposes, you will be asked to leave immediately.
- If you are inevitably in possession of an electronic recording device, please leave it at the cloakroom before entering.
- All recording devices found during security check must be left at the cloakroom before you enter the concert hall, otherwise you may not be allowed to enter the standing area on time.
Please store your devices at the cloakroom beforehand. If you are caught with any of the prohibited devices stated above, your data with be confiscated and you will be asked to leave immediately without refund for your ticket.
- Sharing, distribution, duplication, or production of relevant data on the internet or other forms of media are subject to legal penalties.
- Food and drinks are not allowed inside the concert hall with the exception of sealed PET water bottles.
Usage of lighters, fireworks, and/or explosives is forbidden for safety reasons.
 Personal concert items such LED signs, placards, and unofficial light sticks may obstruct the view of the audience and will be confiscated if found within the concert hall.
- The concert utilizes LED screens, lasers, strobe lights, and special effects that may be visually/auditorily stimulating. Sensitive individuals (expectant mothers; mentally fragile, claustrophobic, panic-prone, or cardiopathic patients), are advised to refrain from viewing the concert.
- Gifts, flowers, and fan letters are not accepted.
- Please hold on to your ticket when moving within or outside the concert hall.
- SMTOWN &STORE is not responsible for any damages or disadvantages that occur as a result of failure to comply with the notices above.

Please make inquires for the event to the contact number specified below.

Thank you.
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